Fridaye’s Favorite Things: #20

Collars – Collars – Collars! I’m so obsessed with collars right now. I can’t wait until the weather finally cools off (dear universe PLEASE let the be soon) and I can start wearing more collared shirts with layers and sweaters and tights, oh my!

This vegan bag is so fun and bright and quirky! I want it on my shoulder to go with all the things.

Via Szeya

Hello weird and adorable earrings – can I has you?

Via Tannim

Um, what? Ravenclaw Converse!?!??? Christmas wish list, here I come…

Via Choies

Give me all the polka dots all the time! I love the mix of polka dot sizes on this dress. It’s super fun, and could easily be worn for a casual day out, or dressed up a bit for a night out!



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