Fridaye’s Favorite Things: 0.39

This Etsy store has the most beautiful crystal chandeliers! They’re simple and delicate and I want them all over my apartment. I love crystals and I’ve never seen anything like these before. There are even some with lights intertwined!

THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!! A whimsical Ford Anglia brooch for all my Harry Potter lovers!

Now for some Disney.. how impressive is this wire ring?? This Etsy shop is full of creative wire designs of all different types, they’re all so fun!

I wish I went to the beach/pool more so I had an excuse to buy some of these awesome towels! I don’t know when this round towel/shaped towel style became a thing, but I am very much on board!

I really love this small self-care guide, I wholeheartedly agree with all it’s suggestions. No purchase required with this favorite thing 😉



Fridaye’s Favorite Things: 0.37

The year is winding down and its the time to reflect on what went right this year, and what could’ve gone better. In my head, these things would all make life better… 🙂

 Look, I’m all about books to help us through life, because let’s face it, it can get really hard and shitty. I came across this book recently (And her 2017 Almanac that sounds fantastic) and I’m going to go ahead and say I’d probably love to have it in my life. I struggle with self-love, we’re our worst critics they say!

My lovely friend Amy Tan, created a collection over at Cents of Style and it’s so fun! I love this sassy makeup/pencil/whatever-you-need-it-for pouch! She’s also got some jewelry and fun clothes definitely worth checking out!


Via Valfre

It’s almost a new year, which means time for a new planner! Check out this adorably quirky one from Valfre!

OKAY hold the front door, because I’ve found a Marauder’s Map CLUTCH!!!! This needs to be in my life so fast, it’s such an incredible idea! This human is a genius.

Do I even need to describe this one and why it’s awesome? Magic bath bomb tells you your Hogwarts House!!!! Best bath time ever.

Alright! That’s it for this week, hope you found something fun or helpful or both!

