Grateful for Mew


As Thanksgiving approaches it’s always a good time to remember what we’re thankful for and to think about giving back to others. Actually, any day is a good day to be thankful and give back; but it’s nice to have a day where you know so many people are putting out gratitude vibes all at once.

With all of the natural disasters and tragedies striking around the world, I’ve been trying to donate to as many causes as possible to the best of my ability. I often feel bad that I can’t do more, so I was thrilled to be given an opportunity to work with Tidy Cats on their Help Meowt project! This meant that I got to choose a shelter that I felt was in need, and send them extra kitty litter. Often, we forget about the pets that need our help after natural disasters strike. That’s why I chose to send litter to Wine Country Animal Lovers, to assist the pets and families in need after the horrible wild fires that raged through Northern California. They housed displaced pets, took care of the injured, and reunited them with their owners (among other countless acts of kindness). I’m so happy to be able to help an organization that’s been working so hard to help others, even if it’s just with providing them some much needed kitty litter for all the clawed fur babies.

So here’s some of my gratitude: Thank you Wine Country Animal Lovers for working hard to help the pets we love during a natural disaster (and the rest of the time too!) Thank You Tidy Cats for giving me this wonderful opportunity to help and reach out Thank you to all the kitties for your love and companionship!

If you want to reach out and help our furry friends, consider donating to your local shelter or volunteering! You can also look up shelters in areas with recent natural disasters to see what kind of help they need. Happy Thanksgiving to you!


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