Style Trend Challenge: White Pants!

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I asked YOU what types of trends you’d like to see me style, and my first choice for a post is on white pants! Thank you Jazzeisinger!

I don’t personally own any white pants (I gave up on white years ago, as I am a mess and I WILL spill everything on myself if I wear white) So I put together a few outfits on Polyvore that I think work really nicely with the white! I tried to cover a few different styles that hopefully fit into they way you readers like to dress 😀 They can definitely be tricky to put together an outfit with, so here are a few suggestions of what I personally think works the best.*

1. Keep it fairly simple: you can add some pattern, but white pants are already a nice pop to the eye, as they aren’t seen as often as blue jeans etc.

2. Cuff them: If your outfit just isn’t quite right, try rolling the pant leg up a few times and taking a second look; it might be just what you needed!

3. Go shopping while wearing them: try on tops, shoes, etc. with the pants on; that way you’ll definitely know if they’re a match!

4. Accessorize: for some reason, white pants just scream accessories to me! I’m bad at accessorizing myself, but a look just doesn’t seem complete without some jewelry, even the simple ones.

*In no way am I a professional stylist with expertise on this matter, these are just my personal thoughts and tips!

Classic Casual

White Pants Casual
I picked strong colors with this, white pants don’t mess around, so neither should outfits encompassing them! I would probably tuck in the shirt, at least in the front, letting the back flow out some, and definitely cuff the pants! A bold piece of jewelry and a cute bag make nice accessories along with a fun heeled boot!


White Pants Retro
 I love high waisted everything. So much. I realize it isn’t a style for everyone, but I couldn’t resist this 50s throwback ensemble. A fun top paired with some feminine jewelry and a nice switch with the high tops for some tomboy action. The turban headband may or may not be necessary, depending on how you feel 😉


White Pants Boho
Fun beachy and bohemian; it’s so loose and flowy you’d look very laid back in this look! Pastels with some flowers and a strappy sandal, what’s not to love? Add in earthy jewelry and your favorite hat and you’re good to go! I might also go with a cuffed pant for this look, the sandals are so cute around the ankle, you wouldn’t want to hide that!

 Casual Sophistication

White Pants Classy

A nice simple grey shirt paired with a jacket for a bright pop of color and some structure. I love blazers, they’re so versatile and make any ole outfit look different and intriguing.  Mix in some colorful and cute flats with some fun jewelry and you’ve got an outfit you can wear to a job interview or out with your friends! Play around with tucking in the shirt and rolling the pant legs for slightly different versions of the same thing. Sometimes the smallest tweak is all it takes to make an outfit work 😉
So there you have it! Four different outfits based around white pants! I hope this was helpful, please let me know in the comments! And please let me know what other style trends you want to see me write about 🙂 Happy styling!

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